⊹ ࣪ ˖ The Fallen Star Library ⊹ ࣪ ˖

What are Comet Cats?

Comet Cats are an open species that are born from shooting stars!! When a strong wish is made on a shooting star, it falls to earth and that wish manifests itself as a little kitty with the star attached to its tail :DThese creatures strive to help people fulfil the wish that brought them to life, or to embody it as best they can. If they fail to do so, their emotions may take control of them and transform them...

Comet Cat Lore

BASIC LOREComet Cats are born when a strong wish is made on a shooting star; that star falls to earth and the essence of the wish becomes a Celestial, with the fallen star attached to its tail. These creatures embody the wish that was made and dedicate their life to helping those with similar wishes.Because of this, Comet Cats are unable to reproduce sexually and are born without sexual reproductive organs. Families may adopt young Comet Kittens (also referred to as Starlings) however genetics and reproduction in the way we know it as humans do not apply to Comet Cats.Fulfilling these wishes is what satiates them - Comet Cats do not require food (unless in their Chaotic form) as their magic allows them to survive on this "wish power". However althought they do not experience hunger unless in their Chaotic form, they can still eat if they choose to as they still have digestive systems. They can also "recharge" by "starbathing" (sleeping or resting in starlight, absorbing the magic light of the Stars).The star marking on their forehead as well as their tail star can glow like starlight. Their tail star is the source of their magic, while their forehead star is a marking that shows the presence of their magic, only gaining it after fulfilling their first wish (see Nova Fest in Festivals!).VARIANTS

Comet (the librarian of the Fallen Star Library) is a Domestic Comet Cat but Comet Cats can also be Aquatic (affectionately dubbed catfish - they live underwater in oceans, lakes, rivers and the like with fish tails in place of cat tails); as well as Insect (born from particularly small stars that have adapted to life as a small creature in a big world with larger wings, antenna and multiple limbs that can stick to surfaces).CHAOTICSWhen Comet Cats are overcome with strong, negative emotions or fail to fulfil enough wishes to satiate them, they transform into an alternate form called Chaotics (as opposed to their main form, Celestials).In this alternate form, they can no longer be satiated by fulfilling wishes or bathing under starlight due to their negative emotions weakening their magic. They gain the urge and need to hunt down prey. If this urge is ignored, it only becomes stronger until the Comet Cat can no longer control themselves.Many things change about the Comet Cat's appearance and biology other than their newfound hunger. Ones that happen to all Cats are that their fur patterns change (usually to be darker) and the star on the end of their tail moves somewhere else on their body, weakening their magic. In Ghost's case (the Chaotic form of the Librarian), his fur becomes black and loses his spots, and his star moves to his chest. As well as this, the star on his forehead becomes a third eye and his tail splits into two with markings that make them look like ghosts.These alternate forms are temporary and not necessarily evil or bad, but simply a manifestation of a Comet Cat's overwhelming emotions. They may lash out at others due to the pressure and overwhelming urges of hunger, which are an unusual feeling for Comet Cats.ALPHABET

FOREHEAD: - No star (due to weakened magic) - Horns, antlers, etc are common APPENDAGES: - Extra limbs aren't very common - Wings cannot be used (lack of magic) - Extra or split tails are common STAR PAW PADS: - Same as Celestial - Can change colour EYES:

Comet Script is not commonly used today and is mainly found in traditional poetry and history books. It is a written only language as Comet Cats speak the language they grow up around. Some still choose to write in Comet Script today although some can barely read it let alone write it.LIFESPAN

Comet Cats can live for up to anywhere between 300-400 years old. Throughout their lives, their stars stay the same size and do not grow, but their bodies develop similarly to humans in growth. However they are not born with their forehead stars and gain them in their childhood or early teens (see Nova Fest in Festivals).Starlings are "born" when someone makes a strong wish on a shooting star. Usually, the strength or desperation of the wish correlates to the magic strength the Comet Cat is born with, although this is not necessarily always the case.Starlings are taken in and raised by partners, friends, families or the like (see Nebularis in Festivals) and teach them the ways of being a Comet Cat. Much like how human babies cannot eat solid food, starlings survive on "starbathing" in their early years until they are old enough to fulfil wishes to sustain them.As Comet Cats age, the light that glows from their star and forehead markings dim and their magic begins to dwindle. This continues until their time of "death" where their star burns brightly and their body fades away, with their star rising up to return to the sky. This is often called Novitus. This is not painful for the Comet Cat and societally is seen as just another phase of life, with their star returning to their ancestors and possible descendants. Novitus can happen at any time as Comet Cats are not impervious to pain or harm, so if a Comet Cat becomes severely unwell or is badly injured, premature Novitus can occur. In these cases, their death is often more painful but their star stillglows brightly and rises to the sky.Comet Cats and their friends may mourn the Cat that has passed on, but Comet Cat funerals focus a lot more on the good done by the deceased than their absence (see Ad Galaxia in Festivals)FESTIVALS

Nebularis is the celebration of the adoption of a newly fallen Starling into a family, clan or group. This festival is celebrated by naming the kitten and decorating a space for them, whether that's a nursery room, cosy treetop hammock, or a little shell on the riverbed.
This festival is a celebration of new life and Comet Cats continue to honour this day in a similar way that humans celebrate birthdays. These Comet Cat birthdays are referred to as Nebuliterum. Different families celebrate Nebuliterum differently, and some prefer to only celebrate big milestones. However almost all Comet Cats celebrate Nebularis in one way or another as the birth of a new Starling is an extremely special occassion.

Nova Fest is the celebration of a young Comet Cat fulfilling their wish for the first time and gaining their full magic ability. This is marked by the star marking that appears in their forehead. This festival is celebrated with starlit feasts and parties with friends and family and is a massive milestone for a Comet Cat as it is a coming-of-age celebration of sorts.
This usually happens around their childhood or early teen years (usually around 10-19 but every Comet Cat is different!!).

Ad Galaxia is, essentially, the Comet Cat equivalent of a funeral; it is a celebration of a Comet Cat's life and the good they did. This is usually after an elderly Comet Cat goes through Novitus (see lifespan for more detail). This festival is celebrated with a gathering of family and friends decorating floating lanterns with depictions of the Comet Cat that has passed on or things they enjoyed in life. They may mourn and remenisce on memories, however Comet Cats see Novitus as more spiritual and believe that the star that has recently returned to the galaxy will one day be wished back down to them in the form of a new Starling. Comet Cats are not very religious per se, however the majority do believe in this cycle of reincarnation. This of course varies based on how and where the Comet Cat was raised.

Basic Guides

This guide details all necessary elements of what makes a Comet Cat a Comet Cat!!Comet and his Chaotic form Ghost are used as examples, as they are the most common or the "default" variant of Comet Cats, known as Domestic or Urban Comet Cats.


NOTES:- Despite their name of "Domestic" Comet Cats, this variant can be any type of cat, ranging from house cats to servals to lions!
- Star shapes do not have to match!! For example, Comet's forehead star is not the same shape as his tail star!!
- They tend to settle in towns, cities and villages amongst other creatures (be them human or furry)
- They are the most widespread variant


NOTES:- Chaotics are not a separate species!! Ghost and Comet are the same creature, just in different mental states.
- Internal biology does not change (Celestials can eat for example, they just don't need to), it is just external biology such as fur markings that change. Think of how Stitch from Lilo and Stitch can grow his extra arms and more "monstrous" features!
- They may use different names to better reflect their appearance change, but this is not necessary.
- Some choose to isolate themselves in this state to protect others, while some prefer to be around their loved ones for support

Aquatic Variant Guide

NOTES:- Most mainly live underwater but some settle above land
- Affectionately called "Catfish" by some
- Fins are very common but not necessary, feel free to have more or fewer than the example character
- Fish whiskers are very common but not necessary
- Main features are: gills, fish tail with star as fin

Insect Variant Guide

NOTES:- They often settle in forests and the like
- Because of their uncommon size, their clothing is often home-made
- Wings, multiple eyes and multiple limbs are very common but not necessary
- Main features are: small size, antennae

Designs and Art

FAQ + Help

Q: Can I make a Comet Cat?
A: Yes!! They are an open species, so as long as you follow the rules of the species, go ahead and have fun!!
Q: Can Comet Cats be big cats or are they just domestic cats?
A: Comet Cats can be any species of cat!! If it's feline, it can be a Comet Cat.
Q: Are there limits on colours?
A: Nope!! The only guide on colours is that Chaotic forms usually have darker colours than Celestial forms. But other than that, use whatever colours you'd like - feel free to go full sparkledog!!
Q: Are Comet Cats only anthro or can they be feral?
A: Celestials are almost always anthro, but Chaotic forms can be feral!!
Q: So what is NEEDED in a Comet Cat design?
A: More details can be found in the guides, but the basic necessities are:
- Star on the end of the tail
- Star on the forehead
- Star paw pads
- Star pupils
- Can transform into "Chaotic" form (although designing one is not necessary, all CCs have this ability)
Q: Can I use this species for profit (eg: prints, commissions, adopts, etc)?
A: Although fanart and creating your own Comet Cat is completely fine, I'd prefer if you let me know before making adopts of them!! As for prints and commissions, go ahead - as long as the species is credited to me and not claimed as your own.
Q: Can I make NSFW art of a Comet Cat?
A: NO!! This is strictly not allowed. For one I am a minor so the idea of my species being used in such a way is extremely uncomfortable. As well as this, Comet Cats do not sexually reproduce and do not have the capacity to do so, so this concept would not logically make sense within the lore.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact me using the links below or email me at [email protected] :D